THP partners have conducted many projects to promote Japanese heritage culture in Tokyo. Here are the ongoing THP projects.
THP has been working with Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau as an "Expert" of cultural heritage in Tokyo, developing in-bound high-end tour programs since 2021.
THP offers Temple University, Japan Campus students a unique position to work with THP on various programs and projects.
Here are some of the past projects THP partners have conducted.
The first Minyo Festival produced by rojicoya was held on Nov. 2022 at Club Asia in Shibuya , featuring Minyo singer Shinobu Kawashima with variety of musical and performing artists; pop bands, a heavy metal band, and professional Awa dancers.
THP organized a one-day tour for the Embassy of Zambia to see the cultural heritage of east-side Tokyo.
THP offered a study tour to the students of the University of Tokyo visiting artisans in Katsushika and Adachi area.
THP hosted IAESTE Japan, The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience, for their annual experience program.
TOKYO HERITAGE PARTNERS (THP) is a consortium of artisans and professionals in performing artists, entertainment, food, and other specialties working in the various sectors of Japanese cultural heritage in Tokyo and its adjacent areas.